Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Partners Bookseller Insider

Well, the word on the street was that Black Friday was fairly solid, but the rest of this past weekend was weak. This, however, was not a scientific poll, so take it as you may . . .

Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper (9781439157268) 7.99 in mass market is going out of print. Hey, why would you sell it at mass market amount when you can squeeze the tradepaper price out of the Picoultites? Apparently, Leah Bendavid-Val, the editor of The National Geographic Image Collection (9781426205033) 50.00 was promoting her title on some sort of morning talk show and we’re just about out. Speaking of over-priced gift books, we have a few of Thomas Keller’s Ad Hoc at Home (9781579653774) 50.00 in Jay & Silent Bob’s secret stash . . .

I wonder if Mike ‘Huckleberry Hound’ Huckabee’s Simple Christmas (9781595230621) 19.95 will keep selling. They say any publicity is good publicity, but this could be the exception to the rule. It appears that as Arkansas governor Mr. Huckabee had previously commuted the 95-year sentence for the suspect who killed the four policemen in Washington over the weekend. The former governor seems like a pretty nice guy, but this will probably torpedo his hopes for a presidential nomination . . .

Speaking of conservatives, Eric Deter’s Willie -- Radio’s Great American: The Biography Of Bill Cunningham (9781935001317) 24.95 has been on local radio and has turned into a bit of a sleeper in the southern Ohio market. Jay (of Jay & Mary’s Book Center) brought this to my attention a couple of weeks ago and now the big boys have caught on too . . .

“Heeeeey, good work Mr. C.”

1 comment:

  1. The weirdest thing about Going Rouge is that it's published by Health Communications - yes, they of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books...
