"The year, 1994. From out of space, comes a runaway planet, hurtling between the Earth and the moon, unleashing cosmic destruction. Man's civilization is cast in ruin. Two thousand years later, Earth is reborn . . . A world of savagery, super-science and sorcery . . . With his companions, Ookla the Mok and Princess Ariel, he pits his strength, his courage, and his fabulous Sunsword, against the forces of evil. He is Thundarr, the Barbarian!"THUNDARR THE BARBARIAN in BESTSELLER BONANZA
In the valley below, beneath twinkling stars against a purple canopy, lies Lancingg, the ancient capital of Michigania. The three mounted travelers carefully negotiate the narrow pathway down the side of the cliff and onto the broken pavement that crisscrosses the aged metropolis. The cracked dome of the capitol building looks like the two halves of a split open Caroc's egg. Princess Ariel's destination, the remains of the wizard's library, squats alongside the opposite side of the road. Thundarr and Ariel dismount from their horses, while Ookla the Mok leaps from the back of his four-legged equort onto the shattered concrete.
Thundarr yells, "Demon dogs! We're too late!"
Ariel shakes her head, "Thundarr, we're fine. We've arrived in plenty of time. Let me search through these tomes for the information I seek."
Ookla howls.
Ariel uncharacteristically chuckles and says, "It's alright, Ookla. He just gets a little overly excited sometimes," she blows the dust off a book, "I was hoping this collection of poetry and new fiction about the upper peninsula in Ron Reikkie's The Way North (9780814338650) 18.95 would help us on our expedition. Hmmm, it does contain works by legendary authors Steve Hamilton, Ellen Airgood, and John Smolens, but I'll have to save it for later . . ."
Thundarr pulls out his fabulous Sunsword and bellows, "Lords of Light!"
Ariel tosses her black locks and looks pained, "Now what, Thundarr?"
He re-sheathes his sword, "I thought I saw the evil wizard Gemini skulking behind those bookshelves."
The Princess turns back to the table of books, "This Great Lakes Cold Case Files: Unsolved Murders of the Great Lakes Region (9781892384652) 17.95 by Wayne Louis Kadar looks interesting, but it won't help us locate the shipwreck that has the Crystal of Prophecy on it. Neither will James Renner's book, The Serial Killer's Apprentice (9781598510461) 14.95 which features a tale of two girls abducted in Cleveland that were found in 2013. These people have been long dead by now."
Ookla howls and holds up a book.
"Good work, Ookla! Wes Oleszewski's Shipwrecks!!: Factual Accounts of Obscure Great Lakes Shipwrecks (9781892384683) 17.95 may just have the information we need!"
Suddenly, holding a magic wand, the two-faced wizard Gemini appears from around the corner, "Not so fast, Princess. Hand over the book!"
Thundarr turns to his cohorts, "Ariel! Ookla! Ride!"
Odds & Sods
On May 12, The Detroit Free Press will be featuring a review of Jaye Beeler and Dianne Carroll Burdick's Tasting and Touring Michigan's Home Grown Food (9781933926315) 29.95 in a full-colour spread. This is a great summer title to have on-hand any way you slice it . . .
Ben Applebaum and Dan Disobo's The Fart Tootorial (9781452105024) 10.95 is a new quirky little Chronicle hardcover that just came in. From cheese-cutting competitions to lighting your farts on fire, this title will clear the air on the rights and wrongs of fartdom. I'm sure you can squeeze a few of these out . . .
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