Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ye Olde Partners Page

*News From the Glamorous World of Bookselling*
"I think you already know
How far I'd go not to say
You know the art is gone
And I'm taking my song to the grave . . . "
--QOTSA, The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret

B. Traven Jr. here. I was working on my latest title Osama Bin Dead, which explores the theory that Osama bin Laden has been literally on ice for the past nine years, when Mick called and asked if I would write the Partners Page. I said I've been dying to look into Jerome Corsi's new book, Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Obama is not Eligible to be President (9781936488292) 25.95. A lesser man or a non-partisan hack may have thrown in the towel on the 'Birther conspiracy' since President Obama released his long form birth certificate a couple of weeks ago, but not Mr. Corsi. Yesterday, he wrote an article for World Net Daily that questions whether the president was actually born at that hospital in Hawaii. And I quote, "Nothing that would commemorate Honolulu and Kapi'olani as the President's place of birth is currently on display at the Hawaii Department of Health . . ." Well, that's all the proof I need, and as I always say, "Never let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory." Ha, ha!

I was recently in Borneo in search of Nepethes rajah, which is the only known plant that can trap and eat small mammals. I had heard that there were larger specimens in the jungle interior, perhaps big enough to consume a human being. I had originally read about this fabulous flora in Amy Stewart's Wicked Plants (9781565126831) 18.95. Unfortunately, I probably should have read her new title, Wicked Bugs (9781565129603) 18.95, first. I didn't realize how big the bugs in Borneo are. In fact, the Borneoans don't say, "Don't let the bedbugs bite." Instead they say, "Don't let the bedbugs carry you away." Ha, ha!

Area 51 is the Holy Grail of conspiracy theories. Supposedly, this is where the lunar landings were faked on a sound stage as in the movie Capricorn One. There have always been rumors that aliens are or were held here. There may or may not be a huge interconnected tunnel system beneath the facility, and it may or may not have secret weapons stored in it. So what exactly is the government hiding there? Well, Annie Jacobsen purports to expose the truth in her latest tome, Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base (9780316132947) 27.99. To say I'm a bit sceptical about this book would be an understatement, but if Annie has pictures of the alien autopsy then we're on the same page. Ha, ha!

And as Robert Heinlein once said, "Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny."

Odds & Sods

According to Shelf Awareness, the movie rights to the Burpo family's Heaven is for Real (9780849946158) 16.99 has been sold to Sony Pictures. At this point Joe Roth (Alice in Wonderland) with T.D. Jakes will be producing the movie. Don't even ask me what I thought about Alice in Wonderland. I'm looking at you, Tim Burton . . .

Speaking of Shelf Awareness, Monday's edition featured one of our favourite book people, Nicola Rooney, who is the owner of Nicola's Books in Ann Arbor. She has words of wisdom for other independent bookstore owners. See it here:

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